Welcome to PET Zambia

The PET (Personal Energy Transport) unit is a hand-pedaled bike designed to mobilize people who have lost the use of their legs due to a number of reasons such as disease and accidents. The PET has 4-inch wide tires which can grip rough surfaces, making it easier for users to trudge along dirt paths or rocky terrains. PETs are available in two sizes: an adult version (full-size) and a smaller version for children and small people.

What is a PET

What is a PET?

The PET (Personal Energy Transport) unit is a hand-pedaled bike designed to restore mobility to people who have lost the use of their legs due to a number of reasons, including cripping disease and war.

How PET Works

How does PET work?

The PET has 4-inch wide tires which can grip rough surfaces, making it easier for users to trudge along dirt paths or rocky terrains. PETs are available in two sizes: an adult version (full-size) and a smaller version for children and small people.

How to help PET?

PET Zambia is a sponsorship program and it costs about $150 to build a PET in Zambia. If you would like to be personally involved and support this wonderful outreach of mobility to the most needy in central Africa, contact us today.

Donate Now

Donate to PET Zambia

Our PET Zambia program is possible through the kind support of people just like you who see the value in helping someone find new meaning in his or her life with full mobility. You can make donations safely and securely using the PayPal button or via this link.

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